The two sides released a joint communique and signed several inter-governmental cooperation documents. 双方发表了联合公报,签署了多项政府间合作文件。
43. We welcome the outcomes of the meeting of the BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors and endorse the Joint Communique of the Third Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers held in preparation for the Summit. 43、我们欢迎金砖国家财长和央行行长会议的成果,核准第三届金砖国家贸易部长会联合公报。
We believe that the Joint Communique of the Geneva Action Group provides a basis for resolution of the Syrian crisis and reaffirm our opposition to any further militarization of the conflict. 我们相信日内瓦行动小组联合公报为解决叙利亚危机奠定了基础,重申反对任何使冲突进一步军事化的行为。
China and the European Union have issued a joint communique on a stronger comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides at the ongoing China-EU business summit in Brussels. 在即将到来的布鲁塞尔中国-欧盟商务高峰论坛前,中国和欧盟发布了一项联合声明,以提升双边战略合作伙伴关系。
A joint communique was signed after the meeting. 会后签署了联合公报。
Sino-kazakhstani joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations; 中国-哈萨克斯坦建立外交关系联合公报;
We were greatly inspired by reading the joint communique. 联合公报使我们大受鼓舞。
The three small nations formed a union. SCO Defense Ministers Issue Joint Communique 三个小国联合起来了。上海合作组织国防部长签署联合公报
Unlike the joint communique, it is a domestic law of the United States that is legally binding on the Administration. 和联合公报不同的是,这是对美国政府具有约束力的国内法。
In February 1972, Nixon visited China, and the "Shanghai Joint Communique" was signed. 一九七二年二月尼克松访华,上海公报签字。
Joint Political and Economic Communique of the Summit 首脑会议政治经济联合公报
First, this paper looks back into the history of the development of Sino-Indian relations and on the base of it, elaborates the basic content of Sino-Indian Strategically Co-operative Partnership Relation according to the Joint Communique Of China And India. 本文首先在回顾中印关系历史发展的基础上,根据《中印联合声明》对中印战略合作伙伴关系的基本内涵作了阐述;